Airplane Subtraction

Subtraction Plane Adventure is an exciting web-based game that combines flying skills with subtraction practice. Players control a red plane, navigating it across a colorful map to solve subtraction problems. This game is perfect for elementary school students looking to improve their math skills while enjoying a fun, interactive experience.
- Interactive plane controls
- Dynamic subtraction problems
- Score tracking and lives system
- Colorful world map backdrop
- Immediate feedback on answers
How to Play
- Objective: Fly the red plane to collect the correct answer to the subtraction problem displayed at the top of the screen.
- Controls:
- Left Arrow or ‘A’ key: Turn the plane left
- Right Arrow or ‘D’ key: Turn the plane right
- Gameplay:
- A subtraction problem (e.g., 15 – 7 = ?) is displayed at the top of the screen
- Numbers from 0 to 9 are scattered across the map
- Fly the plane into the number that correctly answers the subtraction problem
- Scoring:
- Correct answer: +100 points
- Incorrect answer: Lose one life
- Lives:
- Start with 3 lives (❤️❤️❤️)
- Game ends when all lives are lost
- Feedback:
- After each answer, an alert will show whether you were correct or incorrect
- The correct solution is displayed in the alert
- Game End:
- When all lives are lost
- Your final score is displayed
- Tips:
- Plan your flight path carefully to reach the correct number
- Use the wraparound feature if a number is closer by crossing the screen edge
- Try to solve the subtraction mentally before searching for the answer
Improve your subtraction skills and piloting prowess with this exciting Subtraction Plane Adventure!
Teaching Resources
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